Friday, August 26, 2011

Welcome Adriana !!

We are delighted to welcome Adriana M. as our new exchange student to Ursuline. She is a member of the  junior class. Adriana is from Bolivia where she lives with her mom and 13 year old sister. She will be with us for a year and will be taking a variety of interesting classes such as Studio Art, Journalism and French. Adriana is an AFS ( ) exchange student and she is living with her Ursuline sister, Haley F., who is also a junior. This will be Adriana's first experience at an all girls' school and she tells us that she is very happy to be here, even with our hideous high temperatures. Adriana is especially enthusiastic about perfecting her English and making new friends at Ursuline.
Bienvenida Adriana!!!    

Monday, August 22, 2011

Welcome Back to School!

The halls of our academy are alive once again with the happy sounds of enthusiastic students. Today we welcomed back the class of 2012 and we will have a full week of orientation fun as all of the classes arrive, one by one. Friday, we'll all be together for the first day of classes! 
Ready for Senior Year!
It's a busy and exciting time for the entire school community and we in the DODGE office are no exception. We are currently preparing the host application forms for those wishing to apply to host our sisters from Huaxia Academy of Beijing in October. We are also just about ready with the applications for those who wish to travel to Africa (seniors only) and Brazil (sophomores, juniors and seniors) this Fall. By Friday, we'll be ready for all of our students and ready for the exciting school year ahead!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Year, New Look

This poster was a gift from Ursuline High School in Wimbledon, England

These photographs are of the lovely Colegio Santa Ursula in Santiago, Chile

This beautiful painting is the work of a female artist in Uganda

Ms. Vander Linden has reorganized her display shelf with international treasures.
Welcome to our new 2011-12 blog! It's a new school year and we are preparing for the arrival of our students in a few short weeks. Over the summer we framed some of the beautiful art that we have received from our sister schools as well as some of the art that we have collected from around the world. We hope you'll stop by the Global Village to say hello and to see our latest additions. It's going to be a great year!