Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Welcome Mr. Rafael Bianchi from Brazil

Mr. Bianchi with Sr. Lois and Ms. Nipp in the Global Village
 These last two weeks, you may have noticed a new and friendly face around Ursuline Dallas. This special person is Mr. Rafael Bianchi, our current guest from a wonderful Ursuline school in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. We first met Mr. Bianchi last summer when Ms. Bourgeois and I (Ms. Nipp) attended an international Ursuline educator conference at his school. It was such a great experience that we extended an invitation to Mr. Bianchi to visit us in Dallas so that we could deepen our relationship with his school. Now,  we at Ursuline Dallas are assisting with some of the planning for an upcoming Ursuline student conference to be held in Brazil next September. Mr. Bianchi is the primary contact for the conference and we are looking forward to having our students meet and work together on global issues next year.

Mr. Bianchi tells us that he loves Texas and has learned so much at our school. He is hoping that his students in Brazil will contribute regularly to our online newspaper The Bear Facts Online and he is also very grateful for the many faculty friends that he has made in Dallas. He tells us that he does not know what he will do without Tex-Mex food now that he has dicovered it and that he hopes to bring some students to visit us in Texas one day - That would be great!

Currently, Mr. Bianchi is traveling with a large group from Ursuline Dallas and is attending the annual NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools) conference in Seattle. We are so happy that he has been able to spend this quality time with us and we can't wait for the student conference in Brazil!

Monday, February 13, 2012

UA Hosts Giant Traveling Map of Africa

We at Ursuline Dallas are currently enjoying the Giant Traveling Map of Africa from National Geographic. The map, measuring 35 feet by 26 feet, is designed as a geo-game board to introduce students to the power of maps and the diverse geography of Africa. The map will be with us for a two week period which will end all too quickly this Friday, the 17th. The map comes with all sorts of accessories, interactive activities and photo cards which teach students about the physical characteristics of the continent as well as the rich history, wildlife and varied cultures of Africa.  We are delighted that the map is being used by a wide variety of departments at Ursuline including Math, Social Studies, PE and Theology. Staff members are also visiting the map throughout the day as we are all eager to learn as much as we can about Africa. We are so happy to be a part of the Africa Map's tour - It has been so much fun that we have already requested the map of Asia next year!  

Having fun - Ms. Ross promotes World Peace in West Africa while Mr. Villalobos imitates a Gorilla in the Congo

Ms. Nipp sends greetings from the Giant Map after walking across the Equator

Ms. Haley's World Geography students enjoy a playful moment after studying the regions of Africa 
Ms. Vander Linden walks along the horn of Africa

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saying Goodbye to our Peruvian Sisters

The time to say goodbye to the Peruvian delegation came much too quickly. Even though the group was with us for three weeks, the visit seemed far too short. Our farewell on Friday consisted of a breakfast at St. Ursula's where all were chatting and laughing and telling stories of funny moments that were shared during the last weeks. And then the dreaded moment came when we had to say goodbye - and lots of tears flowed ... Now we have huge holes in our hearts because we miss our Peruvian sisters but we are so grateful for the many joyful memories that we will never forget.