Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Special Guest, Matt Nink of GYLI

Earlier this month, we were delighted to welcome our old friend, Mr. Matt Nink, Director of GYLI (Global Youth Leadership Institute) to Ursuline. Mr. Nink was at UA to plan for future collaborations and to inform students about the many excellent opportunities that are available to them through GYLI and Ursuline (check out for more details). Last year, two of our Ursuline juniors, Marisela and Sara,  attended GYLI's Year Two program in New Mexico. They came back inspired to do something to benefit the UA community and to raise our level of environmental consciousness. As a result, the Permaculture club was born and we now have a thriving garden on campus! During his visit, Mr. Nink was thrilled to meet with the Permaculture students and to celebrate the first tomatoes of spring!

Spring is in the air!

Marisela shows off the first tomato

Our UA Garden !

Mr. Nink, Ms. Merani and Permaculture Club members