Friday, January 20, 2012

South American Ursuline sisters at school...

This was the first full week with our Peruvian and Chilean sisters in classes. On Tuesday, we welcomed the Peruvians to campus. Just as the Chileans had done last week, they cheerfully greeted the school community on the PA system and then had a tour of campus. Even though we've only had our guests on campus for a few days, they are already blending in with our students going from class to class and to school activities. In fact, if it weren't for the different uniforms, we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them and our Ursuline Dallas students. It's so much fun having our sisters here with us and it's even more special this year because they are here together - it's twice the fun!

Sr. Lois with the Chilean delegation

Welcoming the Peruvian Delegation

Touring UA upon arrival

Every Ursuline girl needs an Ursuline bear :)

Preparing to say hello on the PA in the Attendance Office

1 comment:

  1. Queridas alumnas:
    Sé que la están pasando muy bien, diviértanse y aprovechen lo más que puedan este lindo viaje.
    Frau Ana María Soto
