Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saying Goodbye to our Peruvian Sisters

The time to say goodbye to the Peruvian delegation came much too quickly. Even though the group was with us for three weeks, the visit seemed far too short. Our farewell on Friday consisted of a breakfast at St. Ursula's where all were chatting and laughing and telling stories of funny moments that were shared during the last weeks. And then the dreaded moment came when we had to say goodbye - and lots of tears flowed ... Now we have huge holes in our hearts because we miss our Peruvian sisters but we are so grateful for the many joyful memories that we will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. It was so sad to say good bye , it breaks my heart to see these pictures!!!
    We had such a wonderful time at UA, thank you all, for your hospitality !!!
    We miss you so much
