Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good Times with our friends from Uganda

This past weekend, we were blessed with the opportunity to spend a little more time with our friends from Uganda before they left the USA for home. As always, it warmed our hearts to be with them. And, as always, we were amazed at their boundless talents and love of life.

In addition to the Spirit of Uganda, we were also blessed with the presence of Maria Naita, renown Ugandan artist. Maria has welcomed our students to her art studio Uganda so we were thrilled to welcome her to UA as our visiting artist. It's another one of those awesome relationships that we have seen come full circle from Africa to Dallas and back - just like our relationship with Agnes Kasule, our alum who is originally from Uganda and an orphan herself - now we at Ursuline are working with Agnes in her work as Director of Empower African Children in Uganda.  And what joy it has brought to our community!

A few examples of those joyful moments from this past week are below:

UA Faculty members attend the Spirit of Uganda performance at SMU

UA Seniors and Sharon - friends forever!

Pot Luck Dinner at Emma's house

Emma and friends

Agnes Kasule and Maria Naita with Sr. Margaret Ann at the President's Circle Dinner

African explorers together again
Spirit of Uganda farewell performance
Special cake for special pals

UA parents and friends join in the fun

Promoting UWEZO shoes at the African Market

A beautiful moment in the Farewell performance

It's hard to say goodbye!!

Moses charms UA moms

Maddie and George reunited in Dallas

A rare moment of competition between UA and Spirit of Uganda

It was an intense game - Let's not say who won...


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