Friday, July 6, 2012

Serviam Visit: Hogar de Madres Adolescentes

UA Delegate to Peru, Angie R., reflects on her experiences yesterday:

Today we spent time at a home for adolescent mothers. The home is for young women, some as young as thirteen or fourteen years old, that need a place to go, a refuge. The community is a secure place where the girls, who have lived in very difficult situations, are able to obtain some peace of mind. They keep their children, ranging from infant ages to three and four year olds (at least from what we saw), in the community, which gives the mothers an opportunity to look for jobs and take classes either on site or elsewhere. Our job today was to help feed the kids, to play with them, and to just make them feel as loved as possible during our visit. Despite temper tantrums (especially from Hilary's and my group of two year olds...), it was really fun to get to interact with them! It was also an eye-opening experience, which I know made us all feel really blessed to have the lives that we do.
Ms. Chinuntdet, Bailey A., and Madeline L. playing with the 7-12 month old babies

Hilary helping a two year old boy
Madeline L. trading funny faces with some four year olds

Of course, Mary Margaret R. and Katherine A. were with the only group who was having a party
and didn't want to be rude by refusing some cake.


  1. Hola Angel! You lookto great in the pic. I am so happy to see my students practicing Spanish in Peru right Margarita? Keep the good work girls! Un saludo desde Puerto Rico y sigan perfeccionando su espanol! Sra. Escamilla

  2. Me da mucho gusto ver a mis alumnas practicando espanol en Peru. Diviertanse mucho un saludo desde Puerto Rico.
