Friday, September 30, 2011

Association of Maintained Girls' Schools Conference

Today was our final day in London and it was also the day that we made our presentation at the Association of Maintained Girls' Schools Conference. The conference was attended by Heads of Girls' Schools from all over England. The speakers were excellent and they discussed a wide range of topics including the lack of girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) fields, issues facing girls today and how schools can go from good to great.

We were the last to speak at the conference today. Mrs. Bauer presented information on issues facing girls in the USA, national organizations and resources in the USA for Girls' Schools and ways that schools can connect virtually. I presented information on our Sister School relationships and partnerships as well as on some of the other student activities at UA related to Global Education.

Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament

Mrs. Bauer presenting to the British Heads of Girls' Schools

Ms. Nipp with our Beautiful Hostess, Mrs. Julia Waters, Headteacher at Ursuline Wimbledon

The famous Double-Decker bus

London Bridge over the Thames 
Our British counterparts were most complimentary about out presentations and we agreed that there are countless ways that we can continue to connect "across the pond." The evening ended with a beautiful banquet in our lovely conference hotel which has a breathtaking view of Big Ben. And tomorrow we will head home and bid farewell to our British friends who have been such gracious and attentive hosts this past week. Cheers!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Visiting Ursuline High School Wimbledon

touring the chapel

Dina and her art work

With Sr. Ann Marie

Ursuline High Girls' reading group

We feel so at home here!

more cool art

PE class

the chapel

the main courtyard - also among red brick buildings
This week, Mrs. Bauer, UA Director of Technology and I (Ms. Nipp, UA "DODGE"), are spending the week in England, visiting our sister school and later speaking at a conference in London for Heads of British Girls' Schools. We have spent two days with our friends and colleagues at Ursuline High School Wimbledon and it has been both fascinating and productive. Yesterday, we enjoyed a tour of the school with two student leaders, Dina and Paula - Paula has actually visited us in Dallas and Dina hopes to visit us next year. We were interested in each department but spent most of our time in the Arts & Drama building where we chatted with Mr. Lord, a music and drama teacher who spent his high school years in Dallas (at Skyline High School). 

After our tour, we spent the afternoon meeting with various department heads of the school.  We learned a lot about Ursuline High School, their global curriculum and student life in general. We also had lunch with Sister Ann Marie, one of the school counselors, who we remembered fondly from her 2009 visit to Dallas.

We are so grateful to Ursuline Wimbledon for inviting us to visit and for their warm and wonderful hospitality. It has already been a fantastic experience and we are looking forward to meeting even more inspiring British educators at our conference later this week!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Peace One Day

UA Students pray in the front circle

Faculty and Staff join in our Peace One Day bracelet making

Juniors model their new Peace One Day bracelets - lovely!
Every year at Ursuline, we honor Peace One Day, an international day of non-violence and ceasefire. This day, September 21, was declared the International Day of Peace by the United Nations in 2001 through the efforts of British documentary film-maker, Jeremy Gilley. Mr. Gilley brought his vision to Ursuline years ago and we committed to honoring this day every year. Because Peacemaking is a core value of all Ursuline schools, it is fitting that we should celebrate this day annually.

This year we held a prayer service outside in the front circle. The Peer Ministers led the service where we listened to excellent international music from the last World Cup and then took some time to pray and reflect. Finally, we each braided a bracelet with a partner in celebration of peace and friendship. Now we are all sporting our new bracelets which remind us of the urgent need for peace in our world.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Walk for Wheels!

Today members of the Ursuline Community came to campus in support of "Walk for Wheels", an event organized by our Senior GAGA (Girls Asisting Global Awaereness), Lila L. It was a wonderful event which raised money to buy wheelchairs for people in Honduras who cannot afford them. This important cause is Lila's passion and she is determined to do all that she can to help those in need - Yeah Lila! UA parents, students, faculty and even pets came out for the walk. Luckily, the weather was excellent and a good time was had by all!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Congratulations YLC Team!

Last Wednesday evening, a ceremony was held in the KIVA to celebrate our UA YLC (Young Leader's Conference) team. This fabulous group of 29 girls brought home the Silver Cup (that's First Place!) from The Great Debate Competition in Austin this summer. This annual competition is held every summer as part of The National Hispanic Institute. Ursuline has participated in the competition for 5 years and this was our very first 1st Place win!!!  We are so proud of our participants - all from our current Sophomore class - but we are equally proud of our older students who served as the YLC coaches. They were the key to the success!

This team is moderated by Mrs. Escamilla who is quick to point out all of the community support that the team receives both from within UA and beyond our campus. We are so grateful to have so many invested in the success of our students!

Mr. and Mrs. Escamilla expressing their gratitude

Proud parents chat with Ms. Bourgeois and Sr. Margaret Ann

The Escamilla Family with our great friend & supporter, Alexis Hefley

The winning team is officially documented by Mr. Thompson

They're cute - but don't be fooled! They are FIERCE and FEARED competitors!

Calla presenting the awards
Current UA freshmen, we'd love to see you get involved with YLC next summer! See Ms. Nipp or Mrs. Escamilla for more information on how you can sharpen your leadership and presentation skills by joining YLC!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

UA Global Book & Movie Club Invitation

Attention all UA Employees: Tomorrow during A & B Lunch, we will feature a 30 minute excerpt from the documentary film Babies in the KIVA. Babies follows four infants from four different cultures during their first year of life. It is a heart-warming film which reminds us both of how different and how similar we are.

Show times are tomorrow, Thursday September 15, at 12:30 and 1:15. Bring your lunch and come join us in the KIVA!

Check out the trailer below: