Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Visiting Ursuline High School Wimbledon

touring the chapel

Dina and her art work

With Sr. Ann Marie

Ursuline High Girls' reading group

We feel so at home here!

more cool art

PE class

the chapel

the main courtyard - also among red brick buildings
This week, Mrs. Bauer, UA Director of Technology and I (Ms. Nipp, UA "DODGE"), are spending the week in England, visiting our sister school and later speaking at a conference in London for Heads of British Girls' Schools. We have spent two days with our friends and colleagues at Ursuline High School Wimbledon and it has been both fascinating and productive. Yesterday, we enjoyed a tour of the school with two student leaders, Dina and Paula - Paula has actually visited us in Dallas and Dina hopes to visit us next year. We were interested in each department but spent most of our time in the Arts & Drama building where we chatted with Mr. Lord, a music and drama teacher who spent his high school years in Dallas (at Skyline High School). 

After our tour, we spent the afternoon meeting with various department heads of the school.  We learned a lot about Ursuline High School, their global curriculum and student life in general. We also had lunch with Sister Ann Marie, one of the school counselors, who we remembered fondly from her 2009 visit to Dallas.

We are so grateful to Ursuline Wimbledon for inviting us to visit and for their warm and wonderful hospitality. It has already been a fantastic experience and we are looking forward to meeting even more inspiring British educators at our conference later this week!

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