Sunday, January 22, 2012

Author Sarah Culberson delights UA on Global Celebration Day

Ms. Culberson speaking in the UCPA
What an awesome Global Celebration Day we enjoyed on Wednesday! There were so many excellent speakers and sessions and performances! One truly spectacular highlight was listening to Sarah Culberson, the vibrant and dynamic author of A Princess Found . Ms. Culberson shared her story of identity and discovery in two energized speaker sessions with all Ursuline students. Students were fascinated by her life story of being adopted and raised in West Virginia, only to discover, years later, that she was an African princess with family in Sierra Leone.

Ms. Culberson was a gracious and sincere guest who seemed to enjoy talking to our UA students as much as they enjoyed chatting with her. We got to know Ms. Culberson even more during her book signing in the library (sorry about running out of books - more are on the way!) and then we all danced together at the Spirit of Uganda performance.

Ms. Culberson, we thank you so much for coming to Ursuline and brightening all of our lives with your story! We wish you all the best with the work that you are doing in Sierra Leone through your foundation, the Kposowa Foundation. If you would like to learn more about Ms. Culberson and her work, follow this link:

Ms. Culberson and Mariama T. representing Sierra Leone in the Global Parade

Ms. Culberson poses with UA fans

Sisters Hannah and Rebecca S. had their book ready to sign!

Ms. Culberson with her favorite people at UA, Ms. Nipp & Ms. Haley (that's a little joke haha)

Two great women working for good - Sarah Culberson and Sister Margaret Ann Moser
Morgan S. volunteers to assist Ms. Culberson in teaching the audience an African greeting

Could there be a more dynamic duo?? - Sarah Culberson with Empower African Children Director, Alexis Hefley

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