Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Africa Delegation arrives in Uganda!!

Leaving DFW
Our first student delegation to Africa has just arrived in Kampala, Uganda this evening! We are tired but very happy to be here after our long journey.  Some of the staff and children from Empower African Children welcomed us at the airport with signs and lots of joy. We hope you will follow our adventure these next two weeks as we explore the "challenges and opportunities of modern Africa."

Maggie is ready to go!

Audrey and Candace are clearly experienced travelers

Mary Ann and her mom at DFW

Looking a bit tired (and unimpressed with Ms. Nipp) at London Heathrow airport

Cheerful in London - half way there!

What a fabulous welcome to Africa!!!

More love and welcoming from EAC

On board Air Force One, our bus :)!

Happily arrived at the ARA, our home in Uganda


  1. Lucky group to be visiting such a historic human site. And, to have such wonderful friends to visit ! Hoping to soon read more about this incredible voyage of yours!

  2. Glad to know you arrived safely. I look forward to reading your tales of adventure!
