Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jinja and the Source of the Nile

Our week of adventure actually began on Monday when our group (plus some new friends from EAC) set out to the scenic spot of Bujagali Falls on the Nile and then to the town of Jinja to retrace the steps of the famous 19th century British explorer, John Hanning Speke, who is credited with "discovering" the source of the Nile river.  The source is located where the Nile and Lake Victoria come together. It was a thrilling expedition and I am sure that we were just as excited as Speke when we reached the source of the Nile, bubbling up from the earth (of course, we arrived by bus and then tour boat - surely his path was a bit more rustic!)  Unbeknownst to Speke at the time of his rather untimely death, he is indeed credited with discovering the source ahead of his colleague, Burton, and he is honored with a marker at this famous spot. 

We stopped at the shrine to the famous Ugandan Martyrs on our way to Jinja 
 Photos from Bujagali falls...

Lots of monkeys inhabit this region!!

Sr. Gretchen, nun AND explorer!

 We bid farewell to Srs. Anne and Gretchen and we continued our search for the source of the Nile...

The source of the Nile!!!
Good times with good friends in Jinja
Our group at the official marker ..

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