Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 9 in Chile - Visit to Downtown Santiago

Today was very busy!  Our day started at 8 a.m. with the girls giving their presentation to the students and teachers of Colegio Santa Ursula.  Each girl prepared a short description of her favorite parts of the visit to Chile in SPANISH!  You all would have been very proud of how well each one spoke.  The girls expressed how much they appreciated how friendly everyone was to them as well as some funny stories about their adventures. 

After the morning assembly, we boarded a bus to downtown Santiago where we learned more about the culture of Chile.  We visited Casa de la Moneda (the presidental building), Plaza de Armas (a large square with tributes to Chile's military heros and the actual center of Santiago), the Cathedral, and nautral history museum. 

Tomorrow we say farewell to all of our friends from Colegio Santa Ursula.  It has been a wonderful trip and an experience that the students and teachers will remember forever!  See you in Dallas!

Presenting about our experience in Chile

Sor Angela giving Mary a hug after a wonderful presentation

The whole group in front of Casa de Moneda

Grace with the guard.  We were allowed to take pictures, but not be silly!

The whole group in front of the biggest Chilean flag ever made!  It was made for the bicentennial celebration.

Grace and Caitlin, ready to run for president!

Brittany, Maria, Ali, Mary, and Mia learning about Casa de Moneda

With our new friend, the presidential guard!

Enjoying lunch on a patio after a very educational morning!

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