Monday, March 12, 2012

Greetings from Chile!  We arrived in Santiago this morning after an overnight flight.  The girls were troopers on our long flight and enjoyed sharing stories of how they tried to sleep on the airplane!  After arriving in Santiago, we exchanged money and tried to look our best before meeting Claudia and Lorena, two teachers from Colegio Santa Ursula.  We arrived at the school and were greeted by the host students and teachers.  We enjoyed cookies and juice while introducing ourselves in Spanish!  After the introductions were complete, the girls received a tour of the school and were treated to a picnic lunch in one of the school´s many courtyards.  The girls spent the afternoon in class with their host students and were looking forward to meeting their families tonight. 

Ready to board the plane at DFW!

Arrival in Chile

Welcome signs at Colegio Santa Ursula

Touring with our host sisters

Introductions in Spanish!

Picnic lunch

Special Texas cupcakes made for the teachers by 3rd grade

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! Looks like the trip is off to a wonderful start! Glad all are well! Love from Africa,
    Ms. Nipp :)
