Monday, March 19, 2012

My (Birthday) Weekend in Chile by Mia

Friday was my birthday, and I was so excited to celebrate it with my friends and host family! Mary, Cailtin, and I got to spend the afternoon and evening with Tere, my host sister, and a few of her friends. We got to eat pizza (I´ve been missing American food!) and we had a delicious tres leches cake!

On Saturday, I went to Tere´s friend's birthday party where I saw Maria, Bettina, and Mary! We had some delicious homemade cupcakes, and all of the Chilean girls were so nice and welcoming! After the birthday party, Tere and I went to her friend Amalia´s house, and we played JustDance and tennis on the Wii! Then, we went to a party, which was so much fun! There was food and dancing, and everyone was so interested in us because we´re American!

On Sunday morning, we visited Pueblo de los Dominiquos, an authentic Chilean craft market. Everything was so inexpensive and the jewelry was beautiful! I could have spent all day looking at the beautiful handmade items!

I had an amazing weekend and I´m so sad that we only have a few days left here in Chile!

Some Chilean candy and snacks!

What beautiful furniture!

Empanadas in an oven!

Texas license plates for sale!

What a surprise running into Mary!

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