Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another student voice : Mattie B.

Mattie poses in front of one of the pavilions in Confucious' memorial home
Student Mattie B. brings a unique perspective and experience to our delegation. Mattie was born in China and was adopted into an American family in the USA when she was a baby. Here is what she had to say about her visit to China, the land where she was born:

 The most frequently asked question I have been asked during this trip besides "Are you Chinese?" is "What is it like being back?" For me, being back is more like coming to China for the first time. I was only ten months old when I left and I don't remember a thing about it. I count myself a tourist because I'm totally and completely American. However, a lot of people have recognized that I'm Chinese, and, for the most part, I blend in.

I've learned that the Chinese aren't bashful and won't be afraid to come up to you and say, "You from China?" or just merely say "made in China." I've also learned to make it clear that I only speak English because they will always try to speak to me. Knowing little Chinese, I just stare at them until they either walk away or I say that I don't speak Chinese. This seem to confuse a lot of them, and a lot of times they just continue with speaking Chinese until I say "wo by dong" (I don't understand). This seems to be when they give up and walk away.

All in all I've had a lot of fun back in China. It's always a learning experience to be in the place where your ancestors are from. My host family was amazing and leaving them was so much harder than I expected. We really grew attached to each other and I will never forget them. Luckily, my host sister applied to go to Ursuline in the Fall so fingers crossed that she will come to the USA to see what we are all about. The sites and memories that I have from this delegation will stay with me forever. Today we are going to sightsee in Shanghai and I can't wait! Last night we took a river cruise and everyone was in awe of how modern and lit up Shanghai is. We are going to visit the Wu Garden the TV Tower and other places. Then we'll be on the plane to LAX then DFW!! So good bye for now, we'll see y'all back in Texas!

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