Saturday, April 28, 2012

Climbing Mount Tai

On Thursday, it was finally time for our excursion outside of Beijing to Tai Mountain, the first of five sacred mountains in China. ClimbingTai Mountain was one of the things that our group was most excited to do but we soon learned that it wasn't going to be so easy. Nevertheless, along with our friends from Huaxia, we persevered and managed to reach the temple at the top! Our legs are still sore but we feel very proud to have completed this challenge !

Leaving on the bullet train - Tai Mountain is about 3 hours South of Beijing on the train (going toward Shanghai)
Our host families sent a few snacks with us

More snacks, just in case...

About to climb to the top with our friends from Huaxia

While we were enjoying a leisurely climb, Ms. Nipp & Dr. Yang risked their lives on these terrifying cable cars

Our gentle path up the mountain

Jennifer is a trooper!

Keepin' it movin'

Our freshmen made it to the top!!

We needed some nourishment along the way (pancakes with egg, onion & duck sauce)

Caroline & Sarah weren't even winded
We saw many new and ancient things including this technique for breaking walnuts

Yay! for us and for our new friends!

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