Tuesday, April 24, 2012

UA Dallas receives warm welcome at Huaxia!

Oh what a welcome we received at Huaxia Girls' Academy of Beijing on Monday! As always, our sisters at Huaxia are detailed and considerate beyond measure. The morning began with students attending classes. They attended an art class where they made individual Chinese Opera masks and they also had a PE class where they practiced Tai Chi. All of this exciting activity took place before we teachers arrived because classes begin at 7:30 at Huaxia.

Once we were all at school, we took a moment for introductions of the Huaxia Administration and we exchanged individual gifts. Then, there was a formal welcome ceremony in the school auditorium. We were officially welcomed by the school and then school gifts were exchanged. Each student introduced herself (mostly in Mandarin!) and then we shared two student presentations - one on Dallas and one on Ursuline.

We feel so at home at Huaxia and we are always made to feel so special - The welcome we received began our school week in a wonderful way. Some highlights are below:

Ursuline presented Huaxia with several photos - Here we are presenting photos of Sr. Margaret Ann in honor of she and Dr. Li, the two visionary leaders who began this sister-school partnership in 1996

Huaxia Students at the welcome ceremony

Asst. Principal Hong and Principal Song - great leaders and dear friends

Huaxia presented each UA student with a Huaxia mug and scarf

Dallas guests with Mrs. Hong, Dr. Li and Mrs. Song

Dr. Yang introduces Lelesse to Dr. Li

UA students proudly displaying their Peking Opera Masks

Mattie & Sabrina presenting information about Dallas

Dr. Li smiles and displays a lovely bracelet, a gift from Sr. Margaret Ann, her "best friend"

Caroline says hello to Huaxia students

Jennifer introduces herself at the welcome ceremony

Huaxia Host students

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