Friday, April 27, 2012

A rainy day in Beijing

As you can see from our photos below, Tuesday provided our group with some serious challenges. Not only was it a rainy day but it was also extremely cold and windy. Nevertheless, our group carried on with our tour of Tiananmen Square and The Forbidden City, two of China's most important historical sites.

By the end of the afternoon, we were more than ready for a dry and indoor activity so we were thrilled to visit the silk factory where our group saw all of the steps in the silk making process, including the work of the silworms themselves!

Even though it was a difficult day in some ways, we still had a fantastic time and we also learned a lot about Chinese history and about silk, one of the most beautiful and ancient products produced in China.

Keeping a good attitude despite the conditions
Leaving Tiananmen and walking to the Forbidden City

Alex and Sarah, patiently waiting to enter the Heavenly Gate...

Caroline & Mattie, inside the Forbidden City

Can you see us? Our guide, Richard, is in yellow holding the Dragon flag and we are following behind

Enjoying an almost-dry moment

Taking turns peeking in the Emperor's quarters while Mattie contemplates the rain 

We were not alone at The Forbidden City

Learning about silk production

Curious students happy to be inside away from the pouring rain


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