Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Greetings from Wimbledon!

Off to London today! The girls are having a truly fantastic time here in the city.  Today was quite the day as we were able to take in the beautiful sights and historic places.  A couple of girls have shared their stories from our first weekend here and the past couple of days.  There will be more to come throughout the week!  Enjoy!!

The group in Trafalgar Square

"We had a great weekend! We went into London and saw Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, the Thames, the aquarium,and so much more! It was so beautiful and I had a great time with my host sister and her family!"  Lilly M.

"Greetings from London! Though I've only been here a few days, I've already become accustomed and attached to the city's wonderful cool weather, stunning architecture, and everyone's enticing accents. One of my favorite places I've been to is Tower Bridge. I adore the structure and the timeless beauty it possesses. They recently put up the Olympic rings so that's very exciting. My favorite thing about London has to be the many beautiful parks. I love to cycle through them and walk my host student's dog, Jack!" - Natalie M.

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