Friday, July 6, 2012

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more...

Our girls were given the opportunity not only to watch Henry V, but to watch Henry V  in the famous Globe Theater last night!
Here we see Courtenay C. and Courtney W. enjoying their seats at the Globe!

Our entries from some of the students today come from Caroline B. and Rachel E.
During a day long trip with my host family to the beach at Brighton, I had a lot of fun while noticing similarities and differences with Dallas. Brighton was a stone, not sandy, beach with a long, wooden pier over the sea with an arcade full of fun carnival-like games and other rides. Brighton compared to places in Dallas like the Texas State Fair, and the arcade contained similarities and differences from places like Chuck E Cheese. Among all the shops and restaurants, the famous English dish of fish and chips was offerered throughout the beach. Overall, at Brighton I was able to not only have fun with its wonderful attractions but also with my host Rachel and her family.
- Caroline B.
My host family has been great!  They have taken me to a family barbecue with my host sister’s two cousins and aunt and uncle. I enjoyed getting to see what family gatherings are like here versus my family gatherings back home. Turns out they’re just about the same and I had a great time! On Wednesday Kirsty and I went to the Wimbledon Tennis. We had standing tickets so we got to wander around and drop in to watch the smaller matches or go sit on Murray Hill to watch the big matches on the screen.  We had a lot of fun and had some delicious strawberries and cream. It was an exciting new experience and I’m so glad that I can now say I’ve been to Wimbledon Tennis! Plus, Will and Kate were there! I was within a mile radius of royalty!
-Rachel E.

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