Monday, July 9, 2012

our last reflections from Wimbledon

It is hard to believe that we are heading back to Dallas tomorrow morning.  The time has flown by and the experience for the students and the faculty members has been fantastic.  On our last day here the students will be giving a presentation to some of the Wimbledon classes on our traditions at Ursuline Dallas, what sets us apart, and, more specifically, the community service in which the students have been involved.  Please enojoy our last few reflections about the time spent in London!

My family is super nice.  Evie has a little sister named Emmaline.  This weekend we went to Cambridge.  It was really fun to go punting.  I am really going to miss the family when I leave.  They have been so welcoming and kind.  It was also really cool to see the Olympic torch! I have had a wonderful time here and I hope Evie can come and visit me in Dallas sometime!
Emily S.

My host family has been very welcoming to me and they have been treating me like their own daughter.  When Natalia came to Dallas, she stayed  with me so we knew each other very well.  I had a great experience on this trip and it is going to be hard to leave.  This weekend Natalia and I went to Camden Market and did a lot of shopping and we went to a birthday party later on.  I have bonded so well with the family that it will be difficult to leave them.

I love my family.  They're so amazing! In the top picture I am on platform 9 3/4. I can't believe I get to visit these amazing places.  I am definitely enjoying the scenery in London.  I also enjoy the weather here.  It's a nice break from the Texas heat.  I would definitely come back to London.  I love it here!  In the bottom picture, we're at Ripley's Believe It or Not!  We are on this ridiculously huge chair and with all of us on it.  I thought it would break.  On the chair with me is my sister, Laura and brothers, David, Robert, and Kenny.  They are so sweet and funny.  I didn't expect to get along with them so well.  This family have made me feel so welcome and I am going to be so sad to say goodbye tomorrow.  I will definitely keep in touch.  - Courtney W.

1 comment:

  1. Cannot believe you are about to leave us! The presentation this morning really engaged our girls, so thank you very much for inspiring them. Thanks for being absolutely fabulous guests, fantastic sisters and amazingcompany. We will MISS YOU ALL!
    Ms Howell-Meri
