Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Life with my Huaxia Host Family by Sabrina F.

Sabrina is welcomed by her host sister at Beijing International Airport
We asked Sabrina, the youngest of our delegation members, to share her thoughts about living with her Chinese host family. Here is what she had to say:

My host family wants me to feel like a part of their family as much as possible. For example, they got me a fork! They also bought a special translator to ensure our communication throughout the trip. During the first days with my host family, they took me to do a lot of sightseeing. We went to the zoo to see pandas, the Beijing Lake, the Pearl Market and many traditional restaurants. I have to say that my favorite part of the day is spending time with my "new family members." My family is also encouraging me to try Chinese cuisine but I usually can't eat it all because I get so full! They always tell me "Chinese have big stomach, Sabrina have small stomach." I know that all of these things are very simple but these are the things that make me feel more comfortable in a brand new environment. I hope that my host sister will come to America and that I will be able to host her back. This will give me the chance to show her the same warmth and compassion that her family has shown to me these past few days.

A million thanks to Sabrina for sharing her host family experience with us!

1 comment:

  1. Everything sounds and looks so wonderful!! Love seeing all the pictures and the happiness on everyone's faces! Thank You so much for giving the girls this incredible experience! The hospitality of the host families sounds so incredible. Can't wait to hear about Mt. Tai.
