Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Stars and Stripes, Harrods and Tea

What better way to celebrate American Independence from England than a visit to Harrods and a lesson on tea and scones?

Rachel learning how to "raise her fingers" to aerate the dough

Afternoon Cream Tea back at Ursuline Wimbledon!  We have learned that a cream tea is a tea with scones!

London is one of the best cities I've ever visited. My host family is really nice and welcoming. They are hilarious too! We've been to Buckingham Palace, Harrods, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, and many shops at Oxford Street. In this photo, we are outside the London Eye with a yeti. Lots of people dress up as characters and take pictures for money. It saw me take a picture of it and came over and grabbed me! We ended up taking several photos with it. I have had such an amazing time in London and hope to do and see many more sights while I am here!
- Alliana V. and Caroline A.
And of course, Mr. Smith is always looking into improving security measures.  


  1. Wow - what a wonderful time you seem to be having in the UK! I am delighted to see your happy faces and also to see that Mr. Smith is "on it" as always, in terms of keeping everyone safe. I look forward to you hosting a British Tea for us at UA in the Fall. Cheers to all of you!

  2. I am enjoying your blog and reminiscing about my days in London 12 years ago. There is SO much to see and to enjoy in this world-reknowned city! I recall that one of my favorite places (besides Harrod's!) was The British Museum. Maybe you will get there on one of your excursions. I am happy to know that all is going well for you and I look forward to reading more whenever you have time to write.
    Ms. Bourgeois
