Sunday, October 30, 2011

Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business Conference

Luncheon Keynote, Legendary Fashion Designer Diane Von Furstenberg

Conference Session on Journalism and Publishing

Nya and Nikki enjoying a session
Regina Escamilla, Treasurer of the HUWIB Conference

An impressive group of women!!!

Marisela, Calla, Nikki and Nya pose with Alex Witt, MSNBC News Anchor

Yesterday our enthusiastic student leaders attended the Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business Conference along with 1000 college-age women from Ivy League Universities and universities from all over the world. It was an awesome event with a tremendous energy from all of these talented and visionary young women. The theme of the conference was "Find your passion, Build your future!" Conference sessions were offered on a wide variety of topics in business including entrepreneurship, networking, the fashion industry and  journalism.

The keynote speakers were dynamic and inspiring. Diane Von Furstenberg shared the story of her fabulous and decades-long career and how she made her way at a time when so few women were leading major corporations. And both Diane Von Furstenberg and MSNBC Anchor, Alex Witt, encouraged the young women to trust their intuition and to listen to their inner voices. We felt very honored to have Ms. Furstenberg give a special greeting to our table as she left the ballroom and also when Ms. Witt was kind enough to chat with us after her speech and to pose with our students. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for our students and we are profoundly grateful to the undergraduate women at Harvard for inviting a younger generation of women to share in the learning of their conference!

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