Thursday, October 27, 2011

UA Student Leaders arrive in Boston for Harvard Business Conference

Marisela makes a great travel statement in purple !

Calla and Nya waiting for a taxi with Ms. Nipp

Marisela and Nikki pose with Mrs. Escamilla, our trip organizer and YLC sponsor

Having fun just before the snowfall

Today four of our dynamic UA student leaders arrived in Boston. On Saturday, they will be attending the 7th Annual Intercollegiate Business Convention organized by Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business. The UA students have all served as leaders and coaches of UA's YLC Great Debate team. In fact, under their leadership Ursuline took first place at the state competition this past July! The students were invited to Harvard by one of our young alums, Regina Escamilla '08, who is an organizer of the conference and a senior at Harvard.
Tonight, the students had a most enjoyable evening getting their first glimpse of Boston and their first taste of Boston seafood, including clam "chowda."  It was also the first day that it has snowed in Boston this Fall so that was a really awesome and surprising beginning to the weekend for our Texas travelers. Tomorrow will bring an opportunity to tour Harvard as well as to meet some of the young women involved in the conference. We'll be sure to keep you posted on this fantastic Ivy League experience!  

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