Friday, October 14, 2011

Preparing for Africa with Empower African Children

Jazz and Candace are ready to model these fashionable safari shoes

Ally likes the safari boot.

Our happy group

Alexis Hefley of EAC explains the marketing plan of UWEZO shoes

Reviewing details of our travel itinerary

Learning more about the children in Uganda
This past Thursday evening, our Africa delegation visited the Dallas office of Empower African Children. Our delegation will travel to Uganda and Kenya with Empower African Children in November so there is much to learn and to prepare. As many of you know, EAC is an organization that makes a deep investment in the education of orphans and vulnerable children in Uganda. Their good work and deep commitment transforms lives so we are honored to partner with this awesome organization.

While we were at the EAC office, we learned a lot about their organization and the situation of children in Uganda. We were particularly thrilled to learn about UWEZO ("you way zoe") shoes, a new project of EAC where a percentage from the sale of these great Kenyan-made shoes will benefit EAC. The shoes will be available for sale at Macy's starting in November (the men's line). The women's shoes will be available for order through UWEZO's Facebook page (be sure to "like" them!). Our fashion-forward delegation was thrilled to pre-order their safari shoes so that they can support EAC even before we leave for Uganda.

This will be our first Ursuline student delegation to Africa so we are filled with excitement and anticipation of the adventure that lies ahead. We'll be reporting on our adventure here on the blog so please stay tuned - we depart November 8th!

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