Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome Huaxia!


Oh what a special day we had at Ursuline today as we welcomed our sister school, Huaxia Girls' School, from Beijing. The Chinese Delegation, made up of 14 students and 4 teachers, arrived on Saturday after spending a couple of days in Los Angeles. The entire UA student body participated in the welcome parade which required our guests to walk through the school. It was extremely festive and joyful to see our hundreds of UA students cheering, holding balloons & welcome signs, twirling ribbons and blowing bubbles in honor of our guests. Even Honey Buns, our school mascot, helped by giving hugs and gifts to our friends.

This is the first visit of our Chinese sister school since 2008 so it was also the first experience of a Chinese delegation for most of our students. As you can see,even though our time together has just begun, our bonds of love and sisterhood are already very strong.

We are so happy to have our Huaxia sisters here and we look forward to the awesome week ahead!

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