Sunday, October 23, 2011

Welcome Ambassador Lanier and Dr. Kannenberg !!

UA GAGAs prepare a word of welcome for our special guests

The Global Village has a distinctly African flair

Dr. Kannenberg, UA Junior Carolyn O. and Ambassador Lanier

Dr. Kannenberg describes a day in her unique life...

Ambassador Lanier speaks to students in the UCPA

Staff of Empower African Children with members of our Africa delegation

Dr. Kannenberg is happy to see photos of her beloved pets on the Welcome board
Sr. Margaret Ann welcomes our special guests to UA

Dr. Kannenberg poses with UA students and Ms. Nipp
Last Thursday was a very special day at Ursuline. We welcomed Ambassador Jerry Lanier and his wife, Dr. Catherine Kannenberg to our school. We were privileged to hear each of these fascinating people speak. In the morning, Ambassador Lanier spoke to us about his life and responsibilities as a US Ambassador. Students were extremely curious as they asked questions about everything from Diplomatic Immunity to the challenge of water issues in Africa. It was a wonderful and rich conversation and we felt so special that Ambassador Lanier would take the time to visit our school community.

In the afternoon, Dr. Kannenberg spoke to students in the KIVA. Students were mesmerized as they listened to her describe "A day in the life." It was so interesting to hear about how Dr. Kannenberg balances her responsibilities as the wife of a US Ambassador and her own career and professional identity. Of course, there was deep interest in her pets and in the famous people that she has met in Africa (such as Jane Goodall, the world's foremost expert on Chimpanzees - wow!).

The visit of this dynamic diplomatic couple is one that we will remember and treasure at Ursuline. We are so grateful to both Ambassador Lanier and to Dr. Kannenberg for including us in their busy schedule. It is a comfort and a matter of pride to know that we in the United States have such vibrant and brilliant couple representing our country in Africa.

We look forward to seeing Ambassador Lanier and Dr. Kannenberg again when our delegation visits Uganda in November!

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