Saturday, October 8, 2011

Learning from each other ...

 Oh, how much we enjoyed and learned this past week! Despite the shortness of our time with our friends from China, we were able to learn and experience much! On Monday, the teachers made a wonderful presentation to our faculty about life and curriculum at Huaxia Academy - we were delighted to learn that they have a new class in "International Understanding" and also that they are becoming a laptop school - just like UA! 

The Huaxia students gave a thrilling presentation in the UCPA as part of Chinese culture week where they talked about their daily lives and also about their favorite things (such as moon cakes - yumm!).  One of the visiting teachers taught a chemistry lesson about how to make tofu and the Chinese culture teacher taught a lesson about China's many festivals.

We also did our best to share lessons with our guests and a favorite lesson was in Mr. Thompson's Printmaking class where the students made prints of an Ursuline sunburst. They later received the same print on T-shirts which they immediately put on for the excursion to the State Fair.

So little time - so much to learn!

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