Saturday, November 12, 2011

Art in Africa

Entering the gallery

Blind faith

UA Art teacher, Ms. Obranovich, enjoying and contemplating the paintings

Some of Maria's work
The delegation adopting Ms. Nipp's signature pose

Our delegation poses with local Ugandan artists - Maria is in the middle and Harriet is on the the right in red
Yesterday our students had the opportunity to visit local artists at the home and gallery of Maria Naita, a renown Ugandan artist. They met Maria and some of her students, including Harriet, whose art is hanging in our UA Global Village along with a painting by Maria. Our UA students learned about the techniques that Maria uses in her art as well as about the themes - mostly women and children and much about how women are moving forward in society (love that!). It was a great honor for us to spend time with these talented artists!  By the way, all of the photographs on this blog entry are from Mary Ann C., one of our student delegates and also a very talented artist :) !

1 comment:

  1. I cannot express enough my admiration for this group and the incredible experience they are living in Africa.... Not only being close to the source of the Nile, in Humankind's birth continent, so close to people with serious problems... - but also having a chance to see incredible will power and creativity to alleviate these problems and still enjoy life's lighter side in Art. What a way to go UA Dallas! Congratulations on this fantastic voyage and for sharing it with us!
