Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A little message from the Africa delegation...

Greetings friends and family! We wanted you to know that tomorrow morning our happy group will set out on an overnight safari (yes, SAFARI!!) so we may or may not be posting as usual - Certainly we will make every effort to communicate because we know you are following us and we have much more to share. Please keep checking and don't be worried if we are not able to post - we'll be back, I promise! Secondly, we'd love to have some more comments and to know who is following our adventure. Thanks to those who have already commented - we LOVE your feedback and to hear from home!! Ask us a question or just give us your thoughts and impressions....

Goodnight from Africa!!!


  1. It looks like everyone is really get immersed in the culture and having a great time doing it. Please keep the pictures coming........ I look forward to them at the end of the work day!!!!

  2. What an absolutely spectacular trip. You are seeing the face of God in all those you meet. How blessed you are.

  3. Amazing...this is the trip of a lifetime. In my next life, I am going to go to UA and travel with Ms. Nipp! Seriously, thank you for the truly wonderful experience. LOVE this blog!
    Michelle Collins

  4. Safari? For real? Holy wow. I can't wait to hear the stories!

  5. A safari, how cool is that. I'll want to hear all about it.

  6. I enjoy reading this blog every time you write! It looks like y'all are having a great time. My prayers continue to go out to y'all and the EAC kids. Stay safe!
