Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday in Uganda

Sunday was a day abundant with joy here in Uganda. First, we went to Mass at the Catholic YES (Youth Encounter the Savior) center. The celebrant was our dear and now old friend, Father Joe. Father Joe had joined us for dinner on Saturday night and made the students laugh all through dinner. So, we knew we were in for a treat to hear him on Sunday. And we were not disappointed! The Mass was beautiful - so joyful - with lots of singing, clapping and interaction. We were more than humbled when Fr. Joe addressed our group and said "You look like Jesus! You have come to a far away land with hearts for helping the poor - You are Jesus to us!" His words were a huge gift to us and one that we certainly didn't deserve. We came out of Mass pretty much walking on air and were shocked to discover that it had lasted two and a half hours! We had no idea! The students actually said "we could have stayed at that Mass forever.."

Fr.Joe and Sr. Anne from Kenya - after Mass

passing the candle as we sang "Come light your candle"

just before Mass...

Fr. Joe models his new UA t-shirt
So, after Mass we immediately headed over to the home and training center which belongs to Empower African Children, the organization which has made this trip possible for us. As many of you know, there is a group within EAC called "The Spirit of Uganda" and it is an awesome performing group which not only entertains but also educates and spreads awareness about the orphans and vulnerable children of Uganda (they'll be on tour in the USA in the Spring and will be performing at UA for Global Celebration Day). Well, we were welcomed to the center with a performance by Spirit of Uganda! WHAT a thrill and surprise it was!! Such awesome talent and energy!

I cannot express to those of you back home how much love and affection has already formed between our UA kids and the EAC kids - They may come from different worlds but I assure you that they are united in deep friendship.There is non-stop hugging, laughing and hilarity all around! It's a beautiful thing to watch and I wish you could all be here to see these relationships blossom ...

** all photos courtesy of Maddie S. and Ally R. - thank you! 


  1. Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lovely pictures, they makes us feel happy.
