Friday, November 11, 2011

Visiting the International Hospital Kampala (IHK)


Candace, Jazz & Agnes after Candace's minor medical procedure

Learning about the Maternity Ward at IHK

To complete our day of learning about health care in Uganda, we visited the International Hospital of Kampala. This is an excellent private hospital which was founded by an Irish doctor and opened in 1996.  Our student delegate, Candace, got to personally experience the excellent health care at IHK as she had to have some stitches removed from her chin - a result of a soccer injury back home. We had no trouble making an appointment for Candace - she was seen right away and attended by a very friendly and competent doctor. The procedure took about 10 minutes in a private area of the very clean Emergency ward and we paid a total of $ 9.00 for the visit. No one asked us about insurance.

After Candace's appointment, we caught up with the rest of the group in the Hope Ward, a ward within IHK which serves those who need major medical procedures such as facial reconstruction. It was very encouraging to learn about the important work that is done there to help the neediest of people.  

We are so grateful to the many doctors and staff members who welcomed us to IHK and who generously shared their time with us!

1 comment:

  1. Who can say but Candace that they went to Africa to have their stitches removed! And, wow no one asks if you have insurance, how fabulous is that?
