Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Visiting Maureen's Home

As we become closer and closer with our friends from EAC, it's easy to forget the hardships that they have suffered and the challenges that they have faced. As you know, all are orphans and / or vulnerable children who, if not for EAC, would surely be left without an education and with little hope for improving their situation in life. However, being with them, we are far more aware of their joy and their gratitude than from where they have come.
So, it was important for our students to see the home of one of the EAC students. On Saturday afternoon, we were given this wonderful opportunity and we visited the home of Maureen, one of the older students in EAC. Maureen comes from a very humble home - her mother has lived in the same one room home (without a separate kitchen, bathroom or bedroom) for over 20 years. Maureen's father abandoned the family and her mother has worked hard in the pork business to support her family.  Maureen's aunt and brother live in that same room as does Maureen when she goes home from school and, until her recent passing, so did Maureen's grandmother.
It was an honor to meet Maureen's family and, even though we do not speak the same language (they speak Luganda, the local language), we were able to communicate our happiness at being able to meet one another. We took a small offering of groceries which were received with much delight and we were given some delicious roasted peanuts that Maureen's mother made just for us. So much of this exchange with Maureen's family and community was beautiful and spontaneous. And, afterward, our students said that they loved the visit (most said it was their favorite event of the trip so far) and that they had been eager to see a home. Take a look for yourself....

YAY Ally - She didn't drop the eggs (and there were LOTS of uneven surfaces!)

Each UA delegate received a big hug from Maureen's mom

Agnes and Sr. Anne chat with Maureen's grandfather
Thanking us for the grocieries

Maureen's mom shares a rare and precious photo with us

Sr. Gretchen cheerfully greets the family
Our peanuts - delicious!!!!

One of the children in Maureen's community - sticker on head courtesy of UA Seniors 2012

More fun, more stickers on heads

Examining the stickers with Mary Ann

Saying goodbye with big smiles
Maureen's beaming expression as we left her home - gorgeous!!
By the way, on Monday, Maureen took her final exams of high school and she plans to go to college next year!!


  1. I've been following you guys the whole way and am so excited to hear all of the stories! I'm so glad you guys are having such an amazing experience and are getting to do such memorable things, I knew you would! Can't wait to see the posts on the safari, HAVE FUN!

  2. Wow. The trip looks fun with an amazing cultural experience. The photos of the different activities an events are great. Keep on posting...

    Peter C

  3. yikes! I didn't even realize we COULD post comments, I'm so computer savy!
    Cecilia, thanks so much for keeping us posted with this blog - I love the pictures and really enjoy your updates. I've had comments from other UA parents who are reading both the Africa and Brazil blogs and they've said - the experiences sound so different! I'm really glad our daughters were able to make this journey, the impact they will never forget, sure to shape and impact their lives in a positive way, forever. Thank you...oxo

  4. What a beautiful day! Congratulations, Maureen, on going to university next year!!!!!
