Sunday, November 13, 2011

Volunteering at Sanyu Babies Home

Yesterday we volunteered at the Sanyu Babies Home, an orphanage for abandoned babies from 1 day old to 4 years old. It was a powerful, meaningful and totally exhausting experience. Our UA students were joined by some of the kids from EAC and together, they helped care for the 50 or so babies at Sanyu. The students did everything from sorting and hanging laundry to feeding and diapering the babies. All agreed that it was wonderful and that they were beyond tired afterward. In fact, several girls had sore arms today from carrying the babies.
One very happy story from yesterday is that we got to check up on Isaac, a baby that we met and blogged about back in April when our UA faculty members visited Sanyu. At the time, Isaac was a teeny tiny and severely malnourished baby. However, when we saw him again yesterday, we were amazed and thrilled to discover that he is a happy and very chunky baby boy today. His photo is below, with Ms. Nipp, who took lots of photos of him to show Ms. Escamilla, who fell in love with him and wanted to take him home. I am not sure if Ms. Escamilla could even lift Isaac today!
This day of service touched all of our hearts deeply and we know that the photos below will touch your hearts as well (so we included lots of photos). Sanyu expressed deep gratitude to all of those back in Dallas who made it possible for us to come to Africa to serve, even just a little, and for all of the donations of much needed items for the babies. Enjoy the photos below - I think they show the love and compassion that our UA students are so eager to share with those in need.

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