Monday, November 21, 2011

The Official Residence of the US Ambassador to Uganda

On our last morning in Kampala, we were honored to be invited to the official residence of our US Ambassador to Uganda. The home is a beautiful, fortified, multi-level home with a breath-taking views including a view toward Lake Victoria. Gracious as ever, Dr. Catherine Kannenberg, the spouse of Ambassador Lanier, welcomed us and gave us a great tour of the grounds. We particularly enjoyed all of the art in the home - some from Africa and some from North Carolina, the home state of Ambassador Lanier.   

Of course, the biggest hit of the visit was Kya, the first dog of the US in Uganda. She was nothing but love! And our students and teachers could not get enough of her! She is pictured in the middle of our official photo below - so precious!

After our visit to the official residence, we were welcomed at the US Embassy by Ambassador Lanier (no photos were allowed so we don't have any that we can share here - but it was a lovely and impressive building). We had a tour and chatted for a few moments about what we had seen and learned on our trip. All of the students said that they were suprised by the extreme traffic and the numbers of people on the streets walking, working, celebrating, etc. Each student also stated that she plans to return to Africa and that this trip was a great awakening to the possibilities of serving (Serviam :)! ) around the world.  We were also delighted to learn in more detail about the role of the US Embassy and about how those in the foreign service work to protect US interests and to further the cause of peace in our world.  

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