Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Brescia House School - Johannesburg

Hello from Johannesburg, South Africa! As many of you know, we, along with 2 colleagues from Ursuline Academy in St. Louis, are currently visiting South Africa while our student delegation is in Chile. So, you will be hearing from 2 different continents over the next few days. Our first day at Brescia House was splendid! We met teachers, administrators and, best of all, some really wonderful (and extremely well-mannered) students. In the High School, we attended fascinating classes in subjects such as Zulu and Afrikaans and we loved seeing the little ones in the Primary School. These photos show a few of the highlights about what makes Brescia House such a special place!

Welcome to Brescia House School! 

Sr. Notburga presents an Athletics trophy at the Monday morning assembly
The Brescia House formal uniform includes this stylish hat!

Students arrive at 7:30 am and line up for the morning assembly

Student Art - so creative and vibrant!

Happy Ursuline girls - in the Summer Uniform (yes, it's summer here :) )
A playful moment between Mrs. Escamilla and Sr. Notburga

Eager to Learn!

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