Sunday, March 11, 2012

UA Teachers arrive in South Africa!

After two long days of travel, our UA teachers, Mrs. Escamilla, Ms. Chinuntdet and Ms. Nipp have arrived in South Africa! The purpose of this awesome trip is to visit three Ursuline schools (plus another very special school - stay tuned) and to investigate the possibilities for collaboration and exchange with our South African sisters. It has already been a great trip and we have only been here one day! Today we attended Mass, visited a crafts market and had an authentic African dinner with Brescia House School administrators. It promises to be a wonderful week of learning and adventure!

Half way to South Africa - on the train in Amsterdam

Mrs. Escamilla chatting with Mrs. Nott, our host and the Headmistress of Brescia House School

Ms. Nipp with a new friend, local artist Teresa (originally from zimbabwe) - loved her art which depicts women working

Mass at the Church of the Resurrection

Many houses are behind walls here.

A Stained Glass window of St. Angela :)

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