Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Subiaco Mission and St. Bedes School

On Thursday and Friday, we traveled outside Johannesburg north to a town called Polokwane. Polokwane is the nearest town to a remote area where several Ursuline sisters live as part of the SUBIACO mission and St. Bedes school community. Along with the Benedictine monks of the St. Benedict Abbey, the sisters serve the school and the community as a whole.

We had a wonderful visit at St. Bedes. We joined the sisters in their home for tea and we also had a chance to visit the school and individual classes. Sadly, we visited at a time of sorrow for the community because they had just learned of the death of a beloved faculty member. Despite their grief, the teachers and students still welcomed us with smiles and lots of warmth.  

As teachers, we particularly enjoyed talking to the students and answering their questions about the USA. We found them to be so engaging and bright. The school faces enormous challenges such as average class size of 50-70 pupils per classroom and a lack of resources for updating their computer lab. Nevertheless, the learning environment is solid and very encouraging of the students.

Back in the USA, many Ursuline schools, including UA Dallas and UA St. Louis, are participating in fundraisers for Ursuline sisters in Botswana who live just 2 hours from St. Bedes. It was very meaningful to see firsthand the important work of the Ursuline sisters in Africa as well as that of other religious orders. We hope to continue our support of the sisters as well as to deepen our connection with St. Bedes through service and friendship.  

A typical scene around the Subiaco Mission neighborhood

Chatting with Sr. Catherine at the Ursuline convent

The Ursuline USA Delegation with the faculty of St. Bedes 

Greeting the students at the morning assembly

posing with new friends

St. Bedes High School class

Kathleen shares the Ipad

Father Thomas (from the USA) at the St. benedict Abbey

A humble but beautiful place

Sr. Mary Hugh enjoys seeing a photo of Ursuline St. Louis

Girl students curious about the USA

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see these photos -- Sister Catharine is my aunt! Hope to visit her at Subiaco soon xo
