Thursday, March 8, 2012

UA Faculty and Administration attend NAIS 2012

The beautiful city of Seattle
Last week, many of us from UA Dallas made a short journey to the fabulous city of Seattle in order to attend the annual NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools) Conference. This conference is always full of energy and excitement and this year was no exception - It was awesome! The theme was Innovation: Imagine, Invent, Inspire, Dream . We were privileged to hear such renown speakers such as Bill Gates and Amy Chua (the "Tiger Mom").  Also attending the conference were many of our old friends including Matt Nink, Director of GYLI (Global Youth Leadership Institute), Kim Bouldin-Jones, Director of MFA (Medical Facility Aid) and Peter Morgan, former UA College Counselor. It was thrilling to be together and to be able to share new ideas about Global Education.

Being in Seattle also allowed us a little time to visit the recently-opened Visitor Center at the Gates Foundation. What a fantastic museum! If you are in Seattle, you must go visit this interactive space which not only explains the history and work of the Gates Foundation but also calls visitors to action about what they might contribute to our world.

Now we are back in Dallas energized for the work ahead. Thank you to NAIS for another inspiring conference and for always raising the bar for more and more excellence in education!

Chatting with Bill Gates about innovation and education

Workshop on UA's Global Education Initiative
NAIS President Pat Bassett

The recently opened Visitor Center at The Gates Foundation

Conference attendees Ms. Nipp & Mr. Bianchi

Every session begins with a sharing of student talents

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