Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Visit to Maipu

We met at school this morning and all were happy and very excited to share stories from meeting their host families.  They all agreed they are getting lots of opportunities to practice their Spanish and it is only day 2!  After being introduced at the school´s Tuesday morning assembly, we boarded a bus with the 10th grade and went to Colegio Santa Ursula in Maipu, about 30 minutes away.  While the 10th grade attended a retreat, Sor Angela took us to Templo de Maipu which is a tribute to Virgen del Carmen.  We saw the beautiful church, as well as visited a museum that taught us about the history of Chile, especially how Chile gained its independence.  After a walk back to school, Sor Angela treated us to juice in a beautiful coutryard.  All agreed that Colegio Santa Ursula in Maipu is a very relaxing and beautiful place!  The girls had a chance to visit an English class where they practiced asking questions in Spanish and the girls from Chile answered in English.  They had lunch with some of the students and then had an opportunity to tour the grounds of the school and see all of the fresh fruits and vegetables grown on site.  As the girls boarded the bus, they all expresed how welcoming and fun the Ursuline girls of Maipu were!

Arriving at Colegio Santa Ursula in Maipu

Hugs and kisses from Sor Angela

The entire group with Sor Angela after juice

Grace, Katie, and Mary posing as statues.  Many other interesting pictures were taken in the coutryard waiting for lunch!

Maria and her new Chilean friends bonding over their love of One Direction!

Caitlin, Mary, Mia, and Grace trying to befriend the horse.

Talking with our new Chilean friends under the grapevines.

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