Thursday, March 22, 2012

South African History: Robben Island & Nelson Mandela

A painting of Nelson Mandela hangs in the boardroom of Brescia House School
Certainly no visit to South Africa would be complete without a few historical lessons about the difficult time period from 1948-1994 when the unjust system of Apartheid was enforced. In order to better understand South African history and the challenges faced today in the period of reconciliation, we visited Constitution Hill in Johannesburg and Robben Island near Cape Town. Below are some photos of Robben Island, the place where many political prisoners were held for years including Nelson Mandela who served 18 of his imprisoned 27 years on the island. It was a sad and humbling place to visit but one that is really important for understanding the anguishing struggle for human rights in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela worked 13 years in this quarry - he still has eye damage from the intense sunlight

A photo of President Mandela when he was imprisoned on the island

Cell of Nelson Mandela

Robben Island - A beautiful but harsh and isolated place

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