Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 4 in Chile - Visit to Bicentennial Park

Today we were supposed to go see downtown Santiago, but the trip had to be postponed until Tuesday.  However, the teachers from Colegio Santa Ursula directed us to a huge park right across the street built for the bicentennial two years ago.  We all enjoyed a long walk, saw Vitacura city hall, and had lots of good opportunities to take fun pictures!  Caitlin describes the day below:

"This morning, despite not being able to go to downtown Santiago, was really enjoyable. We took an impromptu walk to the park down the road where we all posed for cute pictures. I keep telling everyone that I love the geography of Chile because everywhere you go there are always mountains in the distance, beautiful flowers and trees everywhere, and therefore great photo ops. As we strolled along, we discovered a playground unlike the ones in the US. It had two giant spider web rope contraptions. We all took our cameras and climbed all over the contraptions, taking pictures of the mountains in the distance. The sun started beating down on us and it was a lot of fun. After that we continued walking when a "quiltro" (stray dog) started following us. We named him Bah and he followed us all the way to a little cafe where we stopped for some muffins and fruit juice. Later, Bah still followed us until he saw a girl dog and left. But then Baby Bah, a smaller quiltro that looked like Bah showed up and followed us all the way back to school. Lots of fun this morning!!"

The whole group in the park

Maria and Mary feeding the ducks

Things to climb on!

More human statues

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